UK Space Agency's £15M Boost: British Astronaut Mission Awaits!

UK Space Agency's £15M Boost: British Astronaut Mission Awaits!

UK Space Agency Launches £15 Million Mission Fund for Cutting-Edge Tech: Opportunity for British Astronaut Mission to the ISS

The UK Space Agency just dropped some exciting news! They're throwing open the doors for tech and science projects to hop on board a potentially game-changing mission. This move sets the stage for a collaboration with Axiom Space, a US company known for organizing visits to the International Space Station (ISS). What's the big goal? Launching a British astronaut mission, possibly cruising up to the ISS. The catch? The whole thing hinges on securing £15 million (that's €17.5 million) in funding.

Annelies Look, Deputy CEO of the UK Space Agency, spilled the beans that they've been working on this plan since October. Their mission? To keep the UK space sector leading the charge in scientific discoveries and technological innovations.

Now, they're on the lookout for cutting-edge space tech. They're calling for projects that can thrive in the unique conditions of space, with a keen interest in AI, engineering biology, future telecommunications, semiconductors, and quantum technologies. And here's the cool part – they're particularly keen on projects that sync up with their tech roadmap. That means a focus on advanced manufacturing, in-situ resource utilization, life support, and crew performance.

If you're up for the challenge, you've got until April 29 to throw your hat in the ring. And if your project makes the cut, you could be kicking off in June 2024, embarking on an 18-month journey of development.

This move is all part of the UK's bigger plan to carve out a top spot in space tech. With their eyes on the anticipated $1 trillion (that's €897 billion) global space economy by 2040, the UK is going all-in on the commercial side of space exploration. They've been investing not just publicly, but also privately. According to VC firm Seraphim, the UK nearly doubled its space tech investment in the third quarter of 2023, hitting $326 million (€301.7 million). And here's a cool tidbit – they're aiming to host the first vertical rocket launches from Western Europe. The UK's also home to some hot startups shaking things up in the sector, like Open Cosmos and Space Forge. So, if you're a space enthusiast, buckle up – exciting times are on the horizon!

For about this article visit official website UK Space Agency 

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