AI Tool DeepGO-SE: Revolutionizing Protein Function Prediction

AI Tool DeepGO-SE: Revolutionizing Protein Function Predictio

AI Tool DeepGO-SE: Revolutionizing Protein Function Prediction

A cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) tool, named DeepGO-SE, developed by KAUST bioinformatics researcher Maxat Kulmanov and team, is poised to transform our understanding of proteins and their functions within cells. This innovative tool, featured in Nature Machine Intelligence, surpasses existing analytical methods, proving effective even for proteins with no clear matches in current datasets. DeepGO-SE utilizes large language models similar to those in generative AI tools like Chat-GPT, employing logical entailment to draw meaningful conclusions about molecular functions based on general biological principles. This breakthrough promises applications in drug discovery, metabolic pathway analysis, disease associations, and protein engineering, offering a powerful resource for researchers in various domains. In a notable feat, DeepGO-SE ranked among the top 20 algorithms in an international competition of function prediction tools, showcasing its remarkable accuracy and potential impact on scientific research. The KAUST team is currently leveraging the tool to unravel the functions of enigmatic proteins found in extremophilic plants thriving in the challenging environment of the Saudi Arabian desert. The hope is that these findings will not only contribute to our understanding of cellular processes but also identify novel proteins for diverse biotechnological applications. As the scientific community grapples with the complexities of uncharacterized proteins, DeepGO-SE emerges as a valuable ally, offering logical inference capabilities that can enhance various facets of biological research.

More information: Protein function prediction as approximate semantic entailment, Nature Machine Intelligence (2024). Please Visit => DOI: 10.1038/s42256-024-00795-w

Journal information Please Visit => Nature Machine Intelligence

machine learning engineermetatraderhanna kurniawatiai and ml

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