Certification Hints at the Arrival of the Asus Zenfone 11 Ultra!

Certification Hints at the Arrival of the Asus Zenfone 11 Ultra!

Alright, let's break down the news! Last year, there were rumors flying around that Asus pulled the plug on the Zenfone series and diverted its team to focus on the ROG segment. That's what the media was saying in 2023. But guess what's shaking up the scene now? Something that doesn't quite fit into that narrative. It seems Asus is gearing up to drop an Ultra Zenfone bomb in 2024. Did Asus's PR department have it right when they denied the end of the Zenfone era? You know how PR statements can be a bit tricky – just look at LG right before they officially ditched their smartphone division.

So, what's the latest scoop? A shiny new Asus smartphone, strutting its stuff with the model number AI2401_H, just made an appearance at the Indonesian certification authority. And guess what? It's not playing hide and seek. It's right there, listed by name. The star of the show? "Zenfone 11 Ultra." Brace yourself because this beauty is gearing up for a market debut, at least in Indonesia. The name itself is intriguing because having an "Ultra" suggests there might be a regular Zenfone 11 tagging along, following in the footsteps of last year's Zenfone 10.

Now, the big mystery is whether Asus will stick to its current compact phone design or join the league of larger display diagonals. You know, like what Apple did after the iPhone 13 mini. Asus has a history of shaking things up with different form factors, especially back in the day with those Zenfones flaunting flip cameras. Unfortunately, the certification body isn't giving us the juicy details we crave, like the tech specs. But hey, let's play detective for a second – it's a safe bet that the Ultra model might rock a Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 under the hood. Asus loves flexing its tech muscles, after all.

In a nutshell, it looks like the Zenfone saga isn't ready to call it quits just yet. Asus might be cooking up something exciting for us, and with a name like "Zenfone 11 Ultra," expectations are flying high. Will it stick to the compact charm or go big on the display? Only time will spill the tea. Stay tuned for more on this Zenfone rollercoaster!

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